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Hi friends, in this blog, I am going to discuss some detail about our behaviour.
Story of sweet:
We Should have the scale according to the time and maturity. When we give a big vessel, full of sweet to a small child. Does the child know “How many sweet to eat or not too?”? Mostly answer is No. What will they do? Absolute, they will take all the sweet, slowly they will start eating it. First one, and then second one and then third and so on. If no one is there, what will they do?. Absolutely, they will eat till the stomach filled up and lay down. This thought, when we were a child, the urge after the restriction as only limited should be taken. What the child’s desire will be? It will increase more. The child whose capacity to take usually 10, they will take even 20, when they gets more. It same with our mind also.
Restricted ourselves:
When you say don’t do it, don’t do that, don’t go there and keep restrict it. When it gets a chance where no one is there to restrict it. It will do extraordinary or unlimited things and then end to a mess. What is the common reason behind most of them with a criminal background?. It is due to more restrictions at a young age or misbehave with them or mental pressure. A mother from a street or some area(you can assume any where). That mother is keep telling the her child not to play with the next street children. What will the child do? First, they will think a little about it. Then , They will think why shouldn’t I go?. Again the next time if she says, don’t go there, don’t speak to them or play there or with them. What will happen to the child? It will have the urge to do that again and again. Now, What that mother should do? If mother is smart, she need to gives some other toy or introduces some other friends to the child. After that they will reduce to go on next street for playing. Without giving anything or any option to the mind or without showing the way what to be do next. Because our mind is also a child.
Common between two stories:
If you are telling not to have a sweet, then we should also tell what to have instead of sweet. Here What is right or wrong? What to do or don’t? We should tell them. But most of time, we simple order them to do something. For example, don’t have this food or don’t speak with these person or anything like this. Its not making any good to them. And the same goes to our mind also. If you keep on saying to our mind as, Don’t do it or that or that way or this way. What your mind will do? It will do the same thing. So what must we do? We need to re-frame it, you have to give some other work to it. And our mind is very, very, very small child. When you give a small and big doll to a child, which one they select? No doubt Big one. Why? Because they will select whichever its mind thinks as big. As the same, if you change this and that also, the child will only to choose whichever it thinks is bigger. So, What we must do? We have create a big purpose for the mind. Is it clear to all of it?
If he says he want to study engineering. But the mind is not set for engineering, then which one should be changed? Either mind or engineering? Mostly it is engineering. Because for four years, you did the wrong thing. Are you going to repeat the same wrong thing for the next 40 years?. While reading this, some parents even feel sad about this or angry with me, but what I say is don’t do this mistake again and again. Because when you have a thought process to select a course for your son or daughter, based on them interest. If you choose after knowing the interest of your son or daughter, then you are great. Don’t say do this and then that, after that this, it is not making any good for them. Should see if he is trying to of his choice. Even for marriage, many of them forced to do that. But no one is think of what is the cause of divorce?. Somewhere that is not giving happiness?
Why are they not able to withstand a job for a long period? Because it’s not giving him happiness. So, if you are not able to focus on something, then it is not your challenge. It is not about a focus, it is you don’t have happiness there. Instead of learning how to focus, you need to get the awareness of what is giving you happiness. Should have the understanding. Let me tell you in simple term or simple question is “Do you understand it? Are you able to understand life?” First, are you able to understand what this life is? Towards what we are going to do? Most of people don’t want to understand life. I am asking Why are you force it? Most of us doing it because we having it. We are doing it without liking it because we having it. They will run according to that life. Most of us will not do what they liked. I reinforce it again, change something in it you didn’t get to what you liked.
Try to understand:
If you thought of engineering, but you didn’t get it. If you wished that girl for your life, but didn’t get her. Same you thought of doing business, but didn’t get it. One who is moving like this will also move on with everything. Because he will start thinking he will not get it. For example, he will go for another work and will again move from it, After that, this will be stored as a pattern in the brain. In this life, this job is an opportunity for us. What we should do here? So far, we didn’t get what we liked. But now, we should fight to like what we have. After fighting, if you don’t like it, leave it. Look for what you like. But, without, a fight, if you move from this as you are not liking it, then you are a loser. What most of them are doing? They are not finding peaceful anywhere. I am not happy anywhere? Why? Because you have not participated in anywhere. Will the husband and wife like each other soon after marriage? No, because not wait for some time. Look for it. Try to understand them.
Subject and Teacher:
I am repeating it. When do you start liking a thing?When you start understanding it. When will you like your job? When you start understanding. Which teacher we like the most? The subject we liked the most. All are thinking that when we like the teacher we will like the subject. It not like that. It all about you strongly believed that you liked that subject, so you listed to that class and then you start liking the teacher. If you don’t like the subject, then you will not like the teacher.
Same like this, if you don’t like yourself, you will not like your life. How should you be? First, you should understand yourself. If you understand yourself, then you will understand the place you go. If you understand that place, the you understand your responsibilities. When you understand your responsibilities, you will start liking it. When you start liking, you will start winning. If you start winning, again you will start liking. Again you will start winning. It’s happen again “Happiness, Success, You will start liking it”. If it not happening again, then “Sadness, Defeat, You will not like it”. Why some of them don’t like their managers? Because he is not able to behave as per his wish. So, he don’t like his manager. Do the hand of the lender are above or the borrower are above? Naturally, the lender is above. Where are the lender’s hand and the borrower’s hands? The borrower’s should be humble, not like Swami Vivekanand Pose. Swami Vivekanand achieved so many thing, so he is standing so. There is justice in it. What did you achieve here? Everything is from your mother and father. Life also given by mother and father. Identity and everything is from them. What did you give back? Nothing. Think about it.
Finishing this story, there was a selfish tree. It always takes water. The whole village is watered it daily. Till the end, it did not give a fruits. We can even accept that. Finally gave a fruit that is poisonous. The entire village people hated it. As the same, one day, never be tree which does nothing or spits the poison. Do good to the people, place, nation or at least be good to your parents. Thank so much for your valuable time.